Warrior's Order Mobilized for Maximum Building (WOMMB) Institute is dedicated to fighting oppression and injustice through character transformation, education, leadership training, and the restoration of original, pure cultures.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Guest Post: Self-knowledge, self-discipline.

    WOMMB Institute has been a true form of rehabilitation for me, over the past 6-8 months. The values of manhood that have been instilled in me, truly is a result of the keen leadership of this organization.

    Although I know I have not reached my full potential yet, I am more than confident that through WOMMB Institute I will be properly equipped to be successful in society upon my release date.

    Black August has been a valuable month for WOMMB. We have developed a system for this month, which is focusing on knowledge of self and self discipline. The constant dedication and motivation from the elders has been essential to my growth this month. I honestly feel that each day that has passed this month, I’ve received a great amount of growth. Our daily study groups consist of, African American culture, expansion of our vocabulary and discussions about our daily topic. I believe that obtaining these essentials, will lead to a well educated and rehabilitated correctional facility.

   WOMMB Institute has yet to peak, and I know that if this program were to massively expand, our prison population would become ready to return to society as productive men and women.


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